


AUM S&T courses are administered in the three following ways throughout the program:

1. In Residence

In Level 1, the Cornerstone Series classes are the first foundational courses students take for the study of Mayonic Science and Technology, Vastu Science, Vaastu Science and Technology, and Building Architecture of Sthapatya Veda.  They are taken in residence at an AUM S&T classroom site. A total of two in-residence courses are required before graduation.

2. Distance Learning

In Level 1, the student enrolls in the Advanced Series classes after the initial summer Cornerstone. These teleconference and/or independent courses meet on a weekend day for a 2-3 hour call. Unless otherwise stated, this is for advanced students only who have taken the Cornerstone Series.

In Level 2, the Masters students participate in teleconference and/or independent courses that meet according to the syllabus schedule.

3. Group Travel & Study

Students gather at a location and travel together for a specific course of study that requires visiting various Vaastu sites in the America’s or in a foreign country such as India.  Students and non-students may enroll.

Program Descriptions

Level 1: Basic Certification

The Certification Level 1 program is an extensive training program designed to qualify architects, designers, builders, and lay persons to enter into the field of professional Vaastu architecture and building architecture of Sthapatya Veda based upon instruction and experience in authentic knowledge from the Vaastu Shastras and Shilpi tradition (*see limitations of Level 1 below). The knowledge gained in this certification program can be transferred to other forms of Vaastu art and science such as drawing and painting, sculpture, woodworking, landscape architecture, and jewelry making.

An individual seeking certification as a Vaastu Architect, Builder, Consultant and Ambassador –  Level 1 must complete all of the coursework outlined in the syllabus provided at the commencement of each course.

Level 1 is a two-year, basic certification program that consists of 81 credit units. Occasionally, it may take a student more than two years to complete the program.

The Level 1 curriculum is divided into two sections:

  1. The Cornerstone Series is held in-residence. It provides a rich knowledge base for building Vaastu forms using Vaastu principles. These principles were set forth in the Vaastu Shastras that evolved from the theory and spiritual principles offered in the Pranava Veda and Aintiram. The Cornerstone Series is generally offered for 5 weeks in the summer months. Exact dates will be provided upon enrollment. It consists of about 5 weeks of intensive theoretical and practical experience. While everyone is encouraged to enroll in the entire program including the Advanced Series, students may take this basic series and not continue with the Advanced Series.  There is no certification or professional activity permitted without completing the entire Level 1 two-year program.The Cornerstone textbook may not be taken home if a student does not continue with their studies.  In the event a student drops out of the program the Cornerstone textbook must be returned to AUM S&T.  The Cornerstone textbook is the property of the University and only belongs to the student after he/she completes the program.
  2. The Advanced Series provides a deepening of knowledge and experience by reading advanced texts, applying advanced principles, and completing an advanced building practicum. The Advanced Series begins in September and is comprised of reading assignments, design projects, group projects and collaboration between group mentors.

To become a Certified Vaastu Consultants you must hold at least a Bachelor’s Degree. In the event that a student enrolled in the program does not hold a Bachelor’s Degree, a nationally standardized Prior Learning Evaluation will be conducted. Most adults have accomplished sufficient work and life experience to fulfill the requirements for a Bachelor’s Degree when the Prior Learning credit is added to the AUM S&T Level 1 Certification credits. Students who already hold a Bachelor’s Degree may apply their Certification Level 1 to the MA/MS program (see Master’s Degree requirements).

Each class is accompanied by a detailed syllabus that provides a course description, required and suggested reading, course schedule, and homework assignments. A student often works in groups, shares drafting and homework assignments and provides suggestion and constructive criticism for work done by their peers. The concept of teamwork is emphasized on all levels of study from theoretical to practical knowledge. There is a sharing of experience and expertise inside and outside the classroom.

This program of study is designed to provide theoretical, practical and internal knowledge. One of the benchmarks of someone who practices this work is that they develop a specific internal awareness that serves as a compass of sorts leading one through the many specific principles and building codes that are born of the science behind Vaastu Shastras – the science of Pranava Veda called by Mayan – The Luminous Path.

The extent to which the student perseveres, follows the curriculum, completes their design projects and completes their homework and reading assignments in sequence determines, in part, how well their interior Self develops. This body of knowledge exceeds the material aspects called building architecture. Its focus is to bring spiritual bliss to the student and to the world through what is known as Vaastu Dharma.

Courses are numbered in successive order and imply perquisites. Several short courses such as Drafting and Construction principles can be taken out of order. All other courses must be taken in sequence and are offered only once a year. Please note: postponing your enrollment in a course will postpone your graduation for a year.

In addition, please note the following as you consider enrolling:

  • If you do not enroll in a course, then you must wait a year to continue your program.
  • If you miss more than two years in a row, you will be required to retake the summer Cornerstone class MS&T 201 before continuing on with your studies.
  • If you have more than two years between your initial Cornerstone class and the advanced series you must retake the program from the beginning.

Download the Level 1 Curriculum here


Level 1: Permissions and Limitations

Successful completion of the certification series and certification final exam means that you are qualified to work professionally as a Vaastu Consultant in the area of home and office design, rectification and construction supervision of Vaastu elements. As a Level 1 Vaastu Consultant, you may do the following:

  • Charge for your services as a Vaastu Consultant
  • Give a half – day introductory lecture on Vaastu Science and Technology to potential clients and interested parties.
  • Consult on home and office buildings up to 5,000 square feet and home and office assessments up to 10,000 square feet.
  • This certification does not qualify you to work professionally in multiplex housing (condominiums, etc), large office or building construction (over 5,000 sq feet) or community and town planning.
  • This course does not imply that you actually know how to build a house or office in terms of engineering and construction skills.
  • This course does not qualify you as a Vaastu Architect or Vaastu builder. You may or may not have that expertise at this point, but this is a required course of study for Architects and builders who want to become certified in Mayonic Science and Technology.
  • With this certification you must present your plans to a licensed architect or engineer for structural and engineering issues.
  • You may co-consult with the direct help of a certified Vaastu Architect for larger buildings if the architect feels confident in your abilities to do so.
  • You may supervise the building of small Vaastu sheds (properly Ayadied) smaller than 15’ by 15’ without supervision provided you have the knowledge and experience.
  • You must work under the supervision of a certified Vaastu architect until you complete Level 2 certification. This requirement is in place when construction (tearing down or building) activities are involved. Simple rectification that does not require construction or demolition may be done without supervision.
  • You must follow the building codes and guidelines of the locale where the consulting is being done. This certification and its guidelines do not supersede local laws, codes, and regulations.
  • With the successful completion of this course of study you will receive a certificate of completion and you may represent yourself as a Certified Vaastu Consultant Level 1 by the American University of Mayonic Science and Technology.


Level 2: Master’s Certification

The Certification Level 2 program for a Vaastu Architect, Builder, Consultant and Ambassador is an expanded, intensive training program designed to qualify architects, designers, builders, and lay persons. Graduates have the opportunity to enter into the field of professional Vaastu architecture and building architecture of Sthapatya Veda based upon instruction and experience in authentic knowledge from the Vaastu Shastras and Shilpi tradition.

The knowledge gained in this certification program can be transferred to other forms of Vaastu art and science such as drawing and painting, sculpture, woodworking, landscape architecture and jewelry making.

An individual seeking Level 2 Certification as a Vaastu Architect, Builder, Consultant and Ambassador must complete all of the coursework outlined in the syllabus. It is approximately a three-year program that consists of 115 credit units.

The student will gain a deepened comprehension and understanding of the background of Mayan and Mayonic Science by reading, writing, and discussing specific topics on the history and literature of Mayonic Science and Technology. After completing Level 2, the student will:

  • Improve skills in plan evaluation through mentoring and peer critique.
  • Comprehend and apply advanced knowledge in site selection, mapping, Ayadi, design, building, and related technical topics through reading, writing, drawing, practicum, viewing video, listening to audio, and discussion.
  • By the end of the program, after designing and building one house and one small room sized garbha as part of the thesis requirement the student should be able to build on their own with only about 15% supervision.
  • Absorb and refine their internal connection with Atman through deeper studies and applying the knowledge. This requires a simple yet profound surrender to this knowledge and to the truth it represents. This refined connection is demonstrated by some of these qualities or experiences:
    • Ineffability: Inability to capture the experience in ordinary language. You can describe aspects of the experience but ultimately it is unspeakable.
    • Noetic quality: Mystical experiences reveal an otherwise hidden or inaccessible knowledge. In other words during your studies you have numerous moments of aha – unspeakable insightful understanding of what you are reading, listening to or doing.
    • Transformative quality: Your life has been transformed in small and large ways.
    • Physical and perceptual changes: Warmth and spreading in your heart area; visual experiences of luminosity; whole immersion in The Field and awareness of no separation but rather being immersed in the Field.  Few thoughts and few dreams and you begin to experience thinking from the mind of the heart rather than the brain.
    • Well Being: You worry less and have a general sense that all is well.  There is internal contentment and a feeling that your seeking has ceased.

Level 2: Permissions and Limitations

If the student is successful in building with minimal supervision the condition of supervision will be removed and the student will be free to build on their own with no supervision.  As the student becomes more skilled and experienced they will be qualified to supervise others in building upon approval of AUM S&T faculty.

American University of Mayonic Science and Technology

If the student is unable to build a complete residence or business with minimal questions/supervision, they will be required to continue supervision by a certified AUM S&T representative until such time that they demonstrate their ability to perform without supervision.  The student may be required to attend additional coursework and practicums with additional fees.

Typically graduates of schools of architecture are required five years of supervision before they may be certified or licensed.  Other professional studies require similar long-term internships prior to full certification.  We are granting full certification based on competency in knowledge, design and building rather than having a time constraint.

* With permission, the Master may teach a 2-3 hour workshop on Vaastu Shastras.